With dozens or even hundreds of photos in today's digital photo albums, editing an entire album can be a daunting task. Such albums often contain photos with shared content -- same people, places and objects, acquired by different cameras and lenses, under non-rigid transformations, under different lighting, and over different backgrounds. I will first present our previous work on Non-Rigid Dense Correspondence (NRDC) for finding corresponding regions between such images with shared content. Applications of NRDC range from adjusting the tonal characteristics of a source image to match a reference, transferring a known mask to a new image, and by-example image deblurring. I will then present a new method for consistent editing of large photo collections that enforces consistent appearance of images that share content without any user input. When the user does make changes to selected images, these changes automatically propagate to other images in the collection, while still maintaining as much consistency as possible.